Anglia in Bloom > DGPX050211-131
The 12th July for Rayleigh in Bloom is Judging Day. The Anglia in Bloom judges visit our beautiful town to see how it compares with other towns throughout the East Anglian area, as well as seeing how it has improved within itself.
Images of 800 pxl are FREE to download.
Please Note: A special concessionary discount price given for schools, clubs and societies in association with Rayleigh Town Council. Concessions available on request. We ask that any downloads taken and used for web or display acknowledge the images, saying "With kind permission of Digipix Creative"
 Keywords: Anglia in Bloom, DGPIX120711, Edmond Carr, IHW, Rayleigh in Bloom
 Keywords: Anglia in Bloom, DGPIX120711, Edmond Carr, IHW, Rayleigh in Bloom
© Ward & Wellman



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